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143952 tn?1237864541
It is very toxic, and you are endangering your health.  Please stop!  Please find a help line if there is no one you feel you can speak to, or seek out assistance from your family doctor.
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rubbing alcohol is a drying agent.  When you sniff the fumes, they enter the nose, mouth, and back of the throat and may enter the lungs drying out the mucus membranes.  Over time and continued use, some destruction of the membranes may occur in all these areas, including the lungs.  Once destruction of the lungs and accompaning bronchus have occured, it may never recover leaving you with some very severe upper respiratory disease.  See a doctor or check out rehab for this addiction before you compromise your life any more than you have.
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After reading all these posts yours made the most sense with regards ro what happens when one huff’s.  I’m convinced that having anemia is a factor especially with craving it & for me it’s more like a way to relax from all the stress and anxiety. Not sure if rehab would be a better choice as I’m going on 20 plus years huffing alcohol and hand sanitizer
It's been a while since my last post. But I'm back. To huffing alcohol and smelling it constantly. I had gone on dialysis in 2018, had a kidney transplant in May of 2021. I smelled it frequently while on dialysis, even more than while at work. I had a catheter placed in my stomach so I could do dialysis through my peritoneum but I used alcohol to keep the catheter clean every night and it was my time with the alcohol. I wasn't only experiencing pica from the anemia but I was addicted. I had access to it during work and every night I did dialysis. I loved the smell. After my transplant, I no longer craved alcohol. The smell was just too strong for me. I also sis not like chewing ice. It was so cold on my teeth it made them hurt. So, the conclusion is obviously that it was all from the anemia. Unfortunately, my kidney rejected in July of 2022 so I am back on dialysis. And I am back to chewing ice and sniffing alcohol. Its actually more than that. I will take a bottle of alcohol and pour some into the lid and snort it up my nose. I also hold the bottle under my nose and breathe in the vapors. I will also breathe the vapors in through my mouth as well. This never happened before but I have noticed since I started doing it again, that my fingers have become numb. It is awful. Right now I'm craving it but I have gone 2 whole days without smelling it. Hopefully I will be able to keep from smelling it. It is obviously causing some neurological damage. Wish me luck. And P.s. I also feel like it is more  of a relaxing agent now because when I am super stressed is when I crave it the most.
I do this as well
“I will take a bottle of alcohol and pour some into the lid and snort it up my nose. I also hold the bottle under my nose and breathe in the vapors. I will also breathe the vapors in through my mouth as well”
Not as frequent but when I feel most stressed & out of control. I wish you the best of luck on your dialysis journey & hope that we are able to push through this craving of inhaling rubbing alcohol
I am now going on 3 days of no alcohol. Have you ever smelled it while you are nauseous because nurses will recommend you smelling alcohol swabs to helps nausea. I have never done this with my patients and honestly, I believe it is bad nursing practice. Fortunately I am not currently working because while the kidney was rejecting, I became incredibly ill. I am grateful for not being around it constantly. I so hope to find a cure for my kidney failure and type 1 diabetes through holistic practices. I have actually raised my hemoglobin by taking a type of enzyme.  I was referred to an oncologist and hemotologist for my blood and bone marrow because you get injections every time you do dialysis that are called EPOGEN. Epogen is a synthetic version of erythropoietin- the hormone responsible for the production of new red blood cells that the kidneys make but during renal failure your body does not make it. I was getting 60,000 units weekly which is a HUGE amount and I was also getting iron injections. Neither were working and the doctor must have thought I have cancer. I'm still seeing oncology due to some other issues he is very concerned about but the enzyme does help me. I am more able to refrain from the alcohol which I am grateful for. You may have some slight anemia as well considering there are several different kinds of anemia and causes for them. I am glad that things are getting better and I hope things are better for you as well. Thank you for your support because it really means so much to me. Most people tell me "it's just alcohol," so they dont understand it at all. I am also taking some supplements to help the nervous system so hopefully, all of thos can completely be behind me now.
Yes, nurses have given alcohol pads to inhale if nausea came about due to whatever the case at the time.
And no  it’s just not alcohol so your friends don’t quite understand the severity… but even with that understanding I still do it & hate myself for it every time I take a hit but the addiction is very real and it’s not even to get “ high” more so the effects of  kinda like weed I suppose since huffing the alcohol is like a depressant (I have read) which doesn’t justify anything by any means but it sure as hell doesn’t make me want to do it any less especially when a craving hits out of nowhere at times…& when that happens I know I have a problem. It’s sad really but these days I am trying to figure out what exactly triggers the need.. what trauma am I trying to resolve.. out of all the drugs why this one but most of all why I am hell bent on hurting myself. Continued prayers for you! & thanks for listening & being open about your struggles as well
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I agree with everyone.  YOU WILL DIE if you continue down this road.  I watched a program the other day about huffing & these people who were born healthy ended up being "mentally retarded" (no offense, just wasn't sure the proper way to say it).  Their muscles were "rubbery", eyes almost cross-eyed & I can't even begin to describe what their minds were like.  Oh, by the way, their homes were in a cardboard box on the street!!  They actually started their lives in a middle-class upbringing too.  PLEASE STOP THE HUFFING - PLEASE STOP!!!!! May God Bless you & help you through this!!  People CARE about you!!!
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What can happen to a crazy dude who drank a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol?
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i have the same problem I thought I was the only one who liked the smell of alcohol now I moved on to nail polish It's hard to stop. I always keep alcohol pads on me
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681148 tn?1437661591
Obviously, you know that this is dangerous or you wouldn't have said something or asked about it.

Some things that are often suggested for people with various forms of addiction is finding some new and HEALTHY hobbies.  A big one is EXERCISE, like long walks.  Find someone you can walk with, who will support you in your efforts to avoid the things your addicted to.  So, don't do this with a fellow huffer or anyone else with a similar kind of addiction or addictive personality.  In other words, don't set yourself up for failure by doing this with someone else who might persuade you to fall back into your bad habit.  Alcoholics that go to meetings are told not to associate with others going to the same meetings, because this isn't healthy association outside of those purposeful meetings.

First, throw out all the alcohol and nail polish and anything associated with it.  Get rid of anything that you tend to gravitate toward that might be used as a substitute.  Consider using natural cleaning recipes found on care2.com under healthy living, because then you won't have ANY harsh chemicals vying for your attention.  Then, you'll stand a much better chance of letting those harmful chemicals clear out of your bodies.

This is a good first step, because you're reaching out for help and you can find a support network to help you stop this dangerous addiction.
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I used to be a huffer.  I huffed airplane glue, spray paint, anything with toulene in it.
I only did this off and on for about 2 years in my early twentys.  At age 51 I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.  My lung sacks were scarred.  And I only have 50% lung function.  I have been on oxygen 24/7 ever since.  The Dr. said my condition would only worsen and cause my death.  I was given 2 years to live in 2002.  By the grace of God only, I am still alive in 2008.  But my quality of life is not very good.  I can barely walk from room to room dragging my oxygen hose behind me.  I must sit and let my breathing stabilize before I can even talk.  I did not tell the doctor of my history of huffing chemicals.  But I know the cause of my condition.  I don't know how I worked for 30 years with this condition.  Please know huffing will eventually kill you.  Please stop.
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What do you do if you can not afford rehab for your son for huffing and he
is driving the family crazy?????
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Can drinking rubbing alcohol kill you. My boyfriend is detoxing right now from alcohol and scrips. I found a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the clothes draw. for the last two days all he has done is slept. He has not eatten in about four days now and when he does wake he goes straight for a cig. and is very out of it. I am ready to take him to the hospital......
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you really should stop this! i have been huffing rubbing alcohol for years and i an now 17 and am now suffering  heart condition although my doctor is still trying ti find the cause of my condition i knew all along that it was because of my addiction i do it almost everyday i know it is very hard to quit i understand completely i am today still trying to get rid of the addiction but i just cant even after i know its hurting me i dont know what to do!
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I used to drank rubbing alcohol and managed to quit on my own. It was very hard the first month because my muscles ached and I always felt nauseated. I had several nightmares each time I slept and could hardly pull it together to even get in the shower. The first week after I quit was murder and I guess that's why I haven't gone off the wagon; I don't want to go through the withdrawls again. During the withdrawls you'll feel no hope and that its not worth it, but once the worst of the withdrawls is over, little by little, you'll begin to feel alive again and the change in how you'll feel about yourself will amaze you as is it did me. Alcohol is a depressant and it will help you feel a little less stressed only as long as you can keep the first 2 minutes of the buzz going and in order to do that, each time it wil require more alcohol, until it kills you. You don't have plenty of time to quit huffing and/or drinking rubbing alcohol; you must quit now! Alcohol truly is a devil in disguise!
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I have the same problem. I have been huffing rubbing alcohol for the past 4 years. It started after I had my baby. I just put alcohol on a tissue for the smell. 3 years ago my husband died and I turned to the smell for comfort. I now huff it straight from the bottle and instead of 70% I am up to 99% only found at Safeway. the smell relaxes me and makes me feel good, I cnnot describe it. I do not get High but I love it. I'm now in  a new relationship and trying to hide the fact that I huff. He has not noticed the bottles in my car, in both my bathrooms, under my bed and in my purse. Some people say that if you take iron pills it helps the cravings go away. Well I have been taking them and as I sit here I'm at work with the bottle in my hand. I need he;p I'm just too embarrassed to tell a doctor. Any suggestions.  
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Its amazing that so many ppl have the same problem.  I have had bottles under
my bed in my car and the alcohol pads in my purse.  When I dont have them I crave them so bad to the point where I will rub hand santizer on a nampkin to smell it.  I dont know how the habit started but I will spend my last to get alcohol  from the store bc I feel like I need it.
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944604 tn?1283198925
You need to be in the addicts forum and get some help professionally to stop.
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988098 tn?1250029609
Hi im 13 years old and i have been sniffing rubbing alcohol out of the bottle. right now as i type im high off of it and im seeking advice about the side effects of being high. iv told my dad the truth about EVERYTHING and he appreciates my honesty and he said i need help....if ANYONE is out there....please email me.....i need help....my address is     bonnie.r.***@****
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I have been huffing alcohol most my life.. I am currently 33 and was diagnosis with MS five years ago.  I believe that my addiction cause my MS and currently I have to give myself injections weekly (it aint fun).. In essence, what I am suggestioning to u young folks is to seek help because your not alone.  Don't wait until u are 33..
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1308095 tn?1273403858
my name is faith  i have to kids and i huff rubbing alcohol im huffing it as i type. ive thrown out several bottles this few weeks i even huff alcohol swobs but latley ive been having heart and chest pains im scared i dnt know what to do. i also crave ice and sertan kind of chip with the alcohol its wierd sumone help me before i die i might have cervical cancer im only 18 plz help me
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I have been doing alcohol for about 10 years, and the iron pills saved my life. I no longer carve alcohol at all.
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I'm 24 yrs old and I too have the same problem I don't know where to get help I started with cleaning products like pine-sol than windex huffing now alcohol huffing and nail polish and remover! I feel a little relieved that there's people out there with the same problem! I'm going to set up an appointment with my doctor tomorrow after reading all these postings!!!
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i also had that problem with rubbing alchol i will tell you all what causes it. Its caused because your Iron level being low. In my case i was anemic and i craved rubbing alchol with ice it all started when i was pregnant.It is actually called pica. get your iron level check out and some iron pill may help out but please do talk to your doctor it is more common than you think.
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1521468 tn?1291141468
There is HOPE!!!!!!!!!
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Hello everyone, i am a 20 years old woman who is addicted to 70% Rubbing Alcohol; I've always loved the smell of Rubbing Alcohol since i could remember; but lately i've been pouring it onto 100% Cotton Pads and sniffing it and than i tare the cotton pads apart for an even stronger smell. It's so hard to stop i CRAVE IT and it makes me FEEL GOOD/AMAZING, which is scary! I want to stop and i know that i can, but what if i have a cut or an injury? Can i not clean it with Alcohol because i'll go back to sniffing it? If i do go back to sniffing it will the craving be even stronger? I know that i'm doing MAJOR damage to my brain, i just honestly need HELP before something horrible happens to me!
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You need to remove alcohol from the house, peroxide works just fine with cuts/scrapes.

This is a very very lethal habit. Please stop before it's to late.
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I use to sniff rubber cement as a 12 year old, one time I opened a new bottle and sniffed and when finished the bottle was empty.....My mom found some of the bottles and confronted me, I cried and confessed promising never to do it again....well I never have.  However later on in my 20's I experimented with cocaine, weed and ecstasy...But my real love was vodka.....I was sober for 3 years relapsed for 2 years, and now have 2 years sobriety again because of AA.  I strongly suggest seeking help medically and therapeutically.  People around you have probably seen a change in you...The longer this goes on the more damage you do and the more the addition requires more and takes over.  If your at a point where you cannot stop.  You are approaching the end stages of addition.  Life is so much better when your clean.  Fears shy away, the emptiness inside is filled with so much more.  All the times I have gotten sober I have dreaded it because I feared bodily damage, I was dying, and everything else.  I look at life now with one day at a time and have quit numbing the pain.  Your fear is the addition, your disease of addition tells you it's the affect.  Take your life back, there is a solution today....God Bless you all...
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