1528897 tn?1291833568

Sensitve to dust in air

How can I protect myself from  airbourne allergies that trigger my allergy attacts. I take alllery medicines but they make me feel icky and I don't want to wear a mask all day?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it typically suggests allergic rhinitis which is exaggerated or precipitated during cold season or timing. This condition is sometimes associated with asthma.

The triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms.

A careful nasal examination, Allergen-specific testing includes Skin testing, Serum tests for allergy, Allergen challenge and as well as Evaluation for concurrent conditions like Sinusitis and Asthma is necessary and it directs further steps for management. You need to take measures to avoid exposure to such allergens. You can try sleeping with windows closed, which will avoid exposure to aero-allergen in the morning.

You cannot change environment so naturally you have to change yourself. What you can do is use masks in pollution, use goggles. Daily exercise and spending some time in fresh air like garden, park. With this you also need nutritional food like vegetables, fruits, pulses and healthy lifestyle. Foods esp. tomatoes, carrots, grape juices, vitamin C are natural anti oxidants which are known to fight against the bad effects of environmental smoke.

I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.

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There really aren't a whole lot of options then.  

Minimizing exposure to allergens is the most effective treatment.  That would mean installing a very good air flitration system on your HVAC system, keeping doors and windows closed (making sure that they have excellent weather stripping), no pets, get rid of all decorative fabrics, and pretty much staying in your house.

You could try different types of allergy medications.  Nasal sprays are very effective with few, if any, side effects.  Nasal steroids are the most common.  There are also nasal antihistamines.  You can also purchase an OTC mast cell stabilizer, NasalCrom.  It is very effective.  Lastly, if nasal drainage is the problem you can try atrovent.  

Have you tried a variety of oral antihistamines.  Zyrtec has very few side effects.  Its successor Xyzal has even fewer (same basic active chemical, but it is more purified).  Allegra also has few side effects.  Sometimes you have to try different meds to find one that works well with your metabolism for the best treatment with the fewest side effects.

If you haven't tried sinus rinses, they are amazing for allergy control.  I started them about 2 1/2 years ago and have only missed about 5 of the twice aday rituals.  One was because I was in a power outage.  

Lastly allergy testing and shots are VERY effective for reducing allergic reactions.  It does take about 1 year to really feel the effects though.

Take care and feel better.
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