1091289 tn?1256983291

allergic rhinitis

my fiancee is working there in alberta canada at tim hortons.
shes suffering from allergic rhinitis all year round. she went there last september 25 2009 and in just one month her condition got worsen. now her plegm and mucus has blood in it. she cant breathe normal. always clogged nose even when shes at work. we dont know how she passed the medical exam here in the philippines to be able to grant her fit to work but obviously shes not. now we are worried that her condition might get worst. shes afraid to tell that shes not feeling well and not fit to work. now we are looking to find an allergist to make the allergy test and hopefully give her allergy shot that might help her condition. can you please help us to find an allergist because we really dont know what to do and where to go.
thank you!!!
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how is your wife doing? is her rhinitis improved? Don't mislead the allergist by calling this Allergic Rhinitis, it may indeed be another undiagnosed condition. especially with there being blood tinged phlegm from her nose, you can make the argument to have a complete blood count drawn, along with more comprehensive blood studies, so as to rule out cancers or other potential underlying/unforeseen culprits.

All the best,

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I live in canada,quebec.Allergist are found at clinics and hospitals in Canada.You can find a clinic or hospital near you by searching in the yellow pages on msn.com.
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