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Gastric and Digestive Disorders from long time

I have been suffering from several digestive problems from last 5-6 years. It started with diarrhea, loose motions and lower abdominal pain in initial days and months and undergone allopathic treatments and medication with several doctors. The problems cured for some time but then several problems like Gastric, Acidity, and most irritating one, nausea and fullness and bloating in stomach and chest.

              So during the last 5-6 years. I have undergone many treatments and a lot of medications and medical tests. Many of the tests like ultrasound showed no problems in abdomen but a bood test called widal test resulted postive and doctor told that I have Typhoid/Enteritis infection in stomach and intestines. During last 2-3 years, some Gastroenterologists recommended me to undergo upper-endoscopy and colonoscopy, so before 6-7 months from now in I undergone through both these proceedures and some ulcers were detected. So doctors prescribed required medicines. Again after taking medicines some relief was there but again the problems were not solved. Then the doctor told to have a widal test and againTyphoid/Enteritis Infection was there. So from last 1-2 year i am seriously suffering from various stomach and health problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, underweight, fullness and heaviness in stomach and gas and Acidity. Due to nausea, and sometimes vomiting on daily(most of the time) basis, I have no hunger or appetite for food most of the time due to which i feel weakness in body and pain in body parts and also feel Vertigo(Dizziness). The Problem of Incomplete Bowel Evacuation(Mixed of Diarrhea and constipation) and Abdominal Pain is persistent since last few years which is very irritating.

How can i get rid of all the problems?
6 Responses
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6543835 tn?1468844035
what exactly have you been tested for? And what has been ruled out? i.e. celiac, crohns, colitis, etc.
Have you ever had a comprehensive stool test done to check for things like parasites?
Been to an allergy specialist to test for food allergies?

Try eating small, bland meals (steamed veggies, chicken, fish, rice, etc). Probiotics should be taken, and possibly digestive enzymes.
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Thnx 4 prompt reply. Actually during past 5-6 yeras i had many blood tests and other special tests including ultra sound(sonography)  but there were not serious results in reports except 2-3 times during these years a blood test called widal test showed signs of typhoid/enteritis infection in intestines and stomach. Each time one or the other doctor prescribed me medicines for this. But after some time even when I am not having any infection then also problems like Hyperacidity, Excessive Gas, Gas pains and nausea. 6 months before I had also done endoscopy and lower colonoscopy and there were some ulcers detected in Small Intestine. Again Doctors(Gastroentroilogists) prsescribed a lot of medicines. I got relief for sometime but again these frustating problems like nausea and fullness and bloating restarted and become pronounced. Now after taking so much medicines i am again  
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6543835 tn?1468844035
but did you get a comprehensive stool study done? Find a holistic doctor that specializes in digestive disorders. They will help where traditional western medicine fails.
And get tested for food allergies. It could be as simple as a food allergy causing your bloating and stomach pain.
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Yes I have also consulted good gastroenterlogists but after some time(days)
of completing medication treatment all these problems again creep in every time
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17376576 tn?1456229716
hi sir, I came across this great product digestic. this is to give relief to your bloating, constipation and other related digestive problems.. since you have tried going to the doctor, you may try natural supplements or fruits and vegetables.. maybe the nausea is caused by the meds that you were taking..have you tested for H. pylori, this bacteria causes ulcer. i reaally really and honestly hope that you will find relief the soonest possible time.
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17376576 tn?1456229716
hi sir, I came across this great product digestic. this is to give relief to your bloating, constipation and other related digestive problems.. since you have tried going to the doctor, you may try natural supplements or fruits and vegetables.. maybe the nausea is caused by the meds that you were taking..have you tested for H. pylori, this bacteria causes ulcer. i reaally really and honestly hope that you will find relief the soonest possible time.
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