649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in April 14, 2024

Good morning - and yes, it's actually, still morning!!   How's everyone doing this morning?  It's been a pretty quiet week here.  I'm still dealing with the stent from the Laser Lithotripsy for my kidney stone, which is becoming quite uncomfortable as time passes, so I'm less inclined to do a whole lot.  

I will be going this coming week to get the kidney x-ray (KUB) that's been ordered to check for further kidney stones in preparation for seeing my doctor on April 24th.  Of course, my hope is to get the stent removed shortly after that visit, but that remains to be seen.

I did get a call back from my cardiologist's office regarding ultrasound I had on the arteries of my legs a couple of weeks ago.  They said the ultrasound showed mild blockage, but nothing to worry about at this time.  I simply need to make sure I do a lot of walking to keep the blood flowing.  I said I try to walk ~ a mile/day and they said that was great and to keep it up, so that will be my goal - enough steps to cover ~ a mile/day.  Those steps can be done in any form - whether a formal "walk" around the neighborhood, mowing the lawn, gardening, housework or whatever - as long as I'm "stepping" a mile/day.  I can do this!!

I did explain that since I had the kidney stone blasted and have the stent, I haven't been walking "as much", but that I'm still trying to do some every day.  That was fine.  My neighbor and I have been sticking to the street in front of my house because it's close to home since I still have the stent and have no idea how things will go each time we go out for a walk.  It's about 1/4 mile from my driveway to the end of the street, so if we go down and back twice, we've done pretty close to a mile.   Our route, through our small town is pretty close to the same distance, just different scenery and takes us further from home.  

Right now, I'm staying pretty close to the same weight.  I'm having some "tummy issues", which isn't helping matters, so once I get things moving normally again, I'm hoping I'll be able to get the weight moving on a downward trend again.   I did actually remember to weigh this morning before I started drinking coffee and I'm down, exactly, 0.4 lb from last week.  Being so close, it's probably changed by now!!

So that's my story - how's your week been?  Tomorrow is income tax day and I hope everyone is ready for it.  We file ours back in Feb, so I kind of forget about April 15, but my neighbor reminded me yesterday because they just got theirs done.  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
I spent last week bird-dogging inaccuracies in my stepdad's obituary. First, they accepted it but due to a system error, it didn't make it into print, and then they changed some of the wording (and some of the meaning), and then they added typos that weren't in the original I sent. I could see it online and must have written to them seven or eight times with changes and repairs of the mistakes they were making, but it printed today in the paper with two errors. Very frustrating, my family are all writers and will catch them, and think I did it.  

My weight is about the same as last week, maybe a couple of tenths of a pound different. That's actually good because I was up a pound or so at mid-week and was able to come down again. Taxes are done, making me crave the Thank You mints less, that's probably the difference. lol

Barb, I do hope you tell the doctor what's what and insist that the stent has got to go as soon as medically possible, not just at their leisure. It sounds so miserable and they haven't even apparently checked yet to see if you still need it. You need to be comfortable and need to exercise!

My son took his first official driving lesson today from a certified teacher. He's been growing up all this time, but driving seems like a big rite of passage. I look to him becoming a well-trained, calm, competent driver. He questioned me about whether paying for lessons was worth it (since all the local classes were full, I hired a private instructor), but many times the driving lessons I took as a teenager have saved me from an accident, so I just said yes, worth it.

Hope everyone has a great week!
Helpful - 0
Oh, Annie, I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with your step-dad's obituary.  First, it was getting it written, now it's getting it published.  I'd make sure the family all saw the original obituary you submitted to the newspaper (sans errors) and insist that the newspaper apologize for the errors "they" made.  I'm sorry it's been such a struggle for you.  

Good that your weight has stayed stable.  While we aim for loss (if we need it), maintaining is better than the alternative!!  :-)  Since you were up a pound at mid-week, could you have eaten something with too much salt or something that caused you to retain fluid?  That happens to me a lot.  I'm glad you got your taxes done in time, though.  I'm sure that's relief.  

I do plan to let the doctor know how disappointed (upset/angry?) I am with the way this whole kidney stone thing has been handled.  You're absolutely correct that no one has checked to see if I still need it.  When I came out of surgery, they gave me a paper with after surgery instructions that included an order for a KUB (x-ray for kidney, ureter, bladder) and an appointment with the doctor on the 24th (20 days later).  They said I was to get the KUB a week before the appointment on the 24th (I'll do it this week).   So - a nurse called me the day after the surgery to see how I was doing and I asked if I could get the stent out sooner if I passed the stone or fragments and she said "NO- your appointment is on the 24th and you need to get the KUB the week before.  The doctor will go over the KUB with you at the appointment and if he's satisfied with it, we will, then schedule you to come back into the surgery center to have the stent removed."    I really wish I had a recording of that conversation.

From what I've read, the stent removal could easily be an office procedure (my husband had one a few years ago that was removed in office), yet, they're scheduling another surgery? So, if I'd known then, what I know now - - the doctor owns the surgery center which is right next to his office, which makes me think he needs to pay for it, along with maybe college for his kids, his house, boat and whatever else goes on in his life.   Don't get me wrong - I've been with this doctor since about 1997 when he was very young and just started out in practice, but this is not something he would have done, even a few years ago.   This is a doctor that used to give me refillable scripts for my frequent UTI's.  Obviously, that doesn't happen anymore!!  They have gospel music and praying hands, crosses and other religious symbols everywhere and to me, now, those are deceiving.   Lying to surgical patients isn't my kind of religion.   I'll get off my soap box.

Oh, I wondered about your son's driving lessons.  I assume he's learning to drive in his own car?  I'm sure he'll do great and having private instructor will be well worth it.   I wish him all the best.

Have a great week.
Well, going to the surgery center might just mean that this is where you get it pulled out, not meaning another surgery. Don't they just lie you down and pull on a little string, like taking out an IUD? I hope for the best and that they aren't telling you it's actually a surgery. That sounds like it would be b.s. and I'd file a complaint with the medical board if so.

On his learner's permit, my son can drive with an adult in the car, and since he got it he has practiced in his own car around the neighborhood with me or my husband as the passenger.  The driving instructor teaches the kids in one of the driving school's cars, a Kia. I asked Augie if it had one of those drive shafts in the glove compartment that the teacher can stick an extra steering wheel on and take over the car, and he didn't know, but said the car has an extra brake on the front passenger side. :-)  
I'm not sure how they'll take it out - if they're just going to pull it out, why can't they do it in the doctor's office when I go on the 24th?

Sounds like your son is enjoying his driving lessons... Ah, the second brake.  I guess they have to have that, don't they?  

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