971283 tn?1247767572

Whey Protein powder

I'm convinced that the twice a day two scoops  (55grms) of protein powder taxed my body and most likely pushed my uric acid levels off the charts causing gout symptoms. I was also eating a low cal, high protein , med. carbo diet... As I look back, the symptoms (pain, hands, wrists, feet) all started after about  three Mo's of everyday use, when the pain started, I stopped the work outs  of  lifting and riding my bike (aerocics) but didn't stop the Powder.. untill about three weeks later.

Prior to the symptoms, my lipids (tg's)) were elevated and I was trying to lower them.. before,.I was eating lots of meat, Fish and sushi...I stopped and after cutting out the bad empty Carbos .... Breads, Sugars , sodas,  and salt too,  I was loosing weight..

I was at 212 lbs , I'm very muscular but at 5.7 It was too much, I'm down to 196 lbs and would like to be at 185 lbs..

I went to some weight lifter pages and also 'Googled' the Protein powder issue and found about five people who experienced the same as me..

Anyone know of this?? Please comment. To me it makes sence, all that Protein wasn't making my Kidneys very happy.I'm drinking lots of water to flush and sooth my Kidneys.


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Hi, I’ve been taking 1-2 scoops of protein powder 5/6 times per week for the past year or so, as well as eating a low carb relatively high protein diet, and I was totally convinced I was developing arthritis due to the pains in my hips especially but also in other joints. Three weeks ago I decided to cut the protein powder out completely and my joint pain has practically gone. I’ve never been so relieved! I thought I was going to suffer for the rest of my life.

Definitely blame the protein powder! It’s not required if you’re eating a balanced diet.

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I don't think theres any doubt that whey protein can cause joint swelling in some people who use it, in my experience I started to take whey protein powder and experienced swelling in my fingers, my middle finger in particular seems to swell right up, I stopped taking the whey after a while as i had suspensions as the swelling only started on taking whey, and sure enough the swelling went away, tried again a couple more times in the coming months and both times the swelling came back, never been tested for RA but is in the family, its now a year since I've had any whey protein but have had swollen middle finger issue for about 6 weeks now, not sure what could be causing it though, may be just RA or may be to much milk, but deffo whey was an issue for me, I am taking egg white protein now and again, may be should try without the milk in future.
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A couple of years ago, after I had my second child I needed to lose some weight so I tried whey protein powder.  Within a month my shoulder hurt so bad I couldn't sleep at night.  This went on for a couple of months and convinced this was due to holding the baby a certain way or something, I started seeing a chiropractor to see if he could fix it.  I started to think about what had changed and why my shoulder hurt so much and googled "Whey Protein" and "Joint Pain".  I found some articles on the subject but nothing definitive.  I decided to just stop the Protein to see if it would go away.  It took a long time for the pain to completely wear off but I don't think I've thought about my shoulder in months now... until I had a trainer convince me that the Whey protein I was using was probably just "dirty" protein and to try a "clean" protein. I just started using it a couple of weeks ago and my shoulder pain came back last night something fierce!  I am now convinced that it doesn't matter how good or bad the protein is, Whey is what is causing the pain.  How come we cannot get clear answers on this subject?  Obviously there is something to this because people are searching!
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I would like to raise awareness for those of you out there who have it and dont know it yet. I was recently diagnosed with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) . It all started with what  thought was a knee injury after participating in a 5 mile run, I was in so much pain that they thought I had a torn meniscus but the MRI tests indicated there was nothing wrong with my knee. They gave me two weeks off. In that time it got better so I returned to work. I began experiencing joint pain in different parts of my body, always both extremities, ankles knees, wrists shoulders and elbows. I blamed it all on my physically demanding job in addition to weight training. Fast forward about six months later. I didn't know what else to do so I went to see the doctor. I was eventually diagnosed. I have been weightlifting for approximately 17 years, during all that time I have been taking supplements, protein powder included.
I am now taking medication but it doesn't seem to help. I'm beginning to eliminate certain food groups from my diet to find the culprit by process of elimination. If anybody has any help full information please pass it on. I whish you all the best!
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   Kudos to you!  There is nothing like taking the natural route!  I too have broken free from my medications!  After struggling year after year with meds that didn't work or had too many side effects, I went to alternatives and they work!
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Rheumatoid Arthritis is connected to dairy products, including whey protein powder. . .. absolutely stay away from all dairy products.. also sugars, and soy that contribute to high inflammation rates.. Gluten is also a very high contributor..  I do not know why doctors do not educate those like us, who are in so much pain and active with this disease.  I have been able to break free of 4 yrs of steroids, weekly humira shots, methotrexate, etc.. I found that these, in combination with diet, were actually causing/contributing to my pain, which the doctors kept wanting to go t higher doses, and other medications that were even stronger, with cancer causing side effects.. they kept telling me I failed the treatment, and kept raising the doses, and addition of other medications. .  I discovered when going of the medications (as they lowered my immune system), as directed by my physician, when I had a tooth infection, that this underlying infection was also contributing/causing the RA pain.. after an antibiotic and going off the medications, I have been in remission for over 4 yrs, when my doctor had said, I would always need to be on the medications.
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I have been working out for over decade and recently start using protein shake assuming it will help to build more muscles . Also more often used meat in diet . Past few years I had many  Gout soft of flairs in toe and ankle. Which was very painful. So recent blood test confirmed I have RA. Uric acid not over the limit. So I think it could be my meat consumption  and protein for these painful RA. It has been reduced after I cut down the  meat consumption  and protein over week now. I now take fish oil, salmon, different type of berries etc as per suggested which seems reduce inflammation. I think everyone body is different and some of us meat consumption  and protein do harm than good.
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Haven't experienced this personally.. usually take protein powder with tons of glutamine for recovery/immune support as well as sports multivitamins, fish oils and glucosamine to keep everything running in tip top order. Maybe switch up proteins? Try a beef protein? Make sure you're getting enough immune support vitamins as well!

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I realize this is coming in 2012 for a fairly old thread. But i think I have this issue. I am vegetarian . I have ~90grams of whey protein a day (last 2 years) after 3 months or so my "pinky" finger joints started hurting and now more fingers are affected. I started dieting ... low carbs, low sugar, mostly veggies but use whey protein bars AND whey protein powder for my high protein diet. I find that I am putting on weight and the pain in the finger joints is quite bad right now.

What did you do to reverse this ?
Should I just stop this protein intake ?
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I had almost an identical situation as your son.  I was on a swim team throughout jr. high and high school, and very good at it.  I was in the pool for 2.5 hrs in the morning and another hour in the afternoon for several years.  My mom and I heard about whey protein (powder) and I started drinking a glass before workouts and before races.  I developed Rheumatoid arthritis when I was 15 yrs.  It started as "water on the knee" and spread from there.  I began losing weight to the point that I was anorexic-looking.  My swim coach forced me to stop swimming.  The doctors were baffled....I was too old for "Juvenile RA", which usually starts around 2yrs old, and too young for adult-onset arthritis.  
I was practically crippled for years.  After being on every medication out there, I began seeing a holistic doctor as a last resort.  At age 21 my arthritis simply cleared up and went into remission.  Again, doctors were baffled.  
I have been pain/inflammation free for almost 8 yrs now.  I am now 28, and an endocrinologist told me I'm not getting enough protein in my diet.  I started drinking "protein water", pre-mixed protein drinks, etc. and I am having all my old arthritis-like symptoms again.  
When I looked at the product ingredients, most of the products include or are completely made of whey protein.  Some of the products even call it "designer protein", but it's still whey.
I find it far too much of a coincidence that my arthritis symptoms came back one month into drinking whey products again.  NOTE:  I have also increased my dairy intake because of protein levels in dairy.
I hope your son is feeling better, and let's hope that they find a cure for RA soon!
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Hello Danny. My boy was into Protein Powder, Muscle building pills etc. when he was about 16 years old. He was high school rookie of the year for grade 9 football and MVP in grade 10. While in grade 10 he injured his wrist weighlifting. Blood tests later showed that he had developed Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am not saying that these powders were the cause, but it does seem strange that since there doesn't seem to be any R.A. in our family heritage that our boy at the age of 20 is now quite incappacitated in many of his joints by the disease. He has had to quit work and the doctor says there is no cartlidge left in his wrist.I have heard of a british study which suggests red meat as a likely contributer.(I read your post and signed up just to reply. Thanks from PAPI293
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971283 tn?1247767572

I saw the Dr. today...No Gout, Uric acid levels were normal... She looked at my knuckles and says I have exzema..I told her cool , and I was happy that my Rh was neg and the uric acid was normal..She also told me that the other Blood test was in from the ENT, re: my Vestibular issue...    

I'm still perplexed as to why my fingers are still sore and the joints, she said all the protein may have caused a pseudo reaction.. Thus the dark urine in the mornings, which is what made me stop the Powder dose in the first plac, in conjunction with the Joint pain, I had pain in hands, wrists, and feet.  My Knees weren't bothered...  Still drinking lots of water and my morning Urine seems to be more normal in color.... I was starting to worry that I may have injured my Kidneys..She said she thinks I'll be ok... I'll keep doing what I'm doing and I think I'll lay off the Protein for a while..
Thank you for being here,

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971283 tn?1247767572
had bloodtest  last wed, seeing Dr. today Fri 24th..  Thank you. ;-)
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469901 tn?1276563623
Are you not getting anywhere with your doctor?  If not, I suggest you see another doctor and get a second opinion.  It is possible that something else is at work here, but, from what I have read of your posts, Gout has not been fully explored.  Sometimes a fresh set of eyes is needed to get a dx.
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