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BI-RADS 4 Suspicious abnormality

I have a mamogram results of BI-RADS 4 Suspicious abnormality. Biopsy should be considered.

The findings say "There is loose cluster of predominantly punctuate and round calcifications in the right upper outer quadrant. They appear to be segmentally oriented. The cluster measures about 20 mm in maximum dimension.

I am in the process of getting my biopsy sceduled. Can anyone of please tell me what are the chances of this being breast cancer?

I have a family history of breast cancer. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at 35. She had a lupectomy. And then she had secondary Bone and Liver cancer at 41. She passed away at 42.
20 Responses
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I am 80 years old. My last Mammogram came back Density B with scattered fibro glandular tissue. B1-RADS category 4 suspicious. Biopsy recommend.  I do not think a biopsy is necessary since I refused any type of chemo or radiation treatments. At my age and watching the horrid results of those side effects in older patients. Under no circumstance will I put my body through that. I have lived a good quality of life and living longer with the quality of life. I would rather not live any longer.
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That's hard. I did have a bi rad of 5 and it wasn't cancer so a biopsy just tells you what is going on. I had a needle biopsy which was minimally invasive. I'm sorry you have to worry about this
587083 tn?1327120262

This is absolutely wonderful news!

Congratulations and thanks for letting us know.
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962875 tn?1314210036
Thanks for sharing your wonderful news! You've made my day.

Warm regards,
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I got my biopsy results today. Its benign. Thank God. They want me to come back in 6 months for diagnostic mamogram.

Thanks to all of you for your wishes, thoughts, prayers and advice. You all helped me a lot.

Thanks again to everyone of you .....
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There is a new test called "Sonocine" that is a fancy u;ultrasound.  Please read about it.
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Sorry your biopsy was painful.. my stereotactic last year was also painful and I found out that some women do not get good numbing results from Lidocaine.Not sure what the alternative drug would be?But I know there is one.
I have a friend who had stereotactic last year..had a really huge bruise that went all the way up to her collar.Her doctor said she had some sort of bleed.She had pain for 6 months, but is fine now and the results were normal.
Most women do not have problem from the stereotactic biopsies.
Yesterday I had my contrast MRI..some people find this difficult but I actually fell asleep!
Guess I will get the results in a few days?
MRI was 1000% more pleasant than stereotactic... now, is it more diagnostic?
Guess I will find out!
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587083 tn?1327120262
Oh!...I am so sorry that you felt so much pain! Unfortunately at times when the needle is inserted it can damage some nerves that can cause a lot of pain..:(
I hope you are feeling better now and as bb has kindly suggested,apply cold packs every so often to lessen the pain and minimize the swelling and bruising.
If you can take a day off from work tomorrow,so much the better,it will give you time to rest and recuperate from the stress and pain you went through today.
Hoping that all will turn up just fine for you.
Sincere best wishes.
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bluebutterfly2222 and zouzi - Thanks for your wishes.

I got the biopsy done today. It was very painful. The local anesthesia that they gave did not numb and I felt the pain as soon as they started the biopsy. So, they had to give me the second dosage of anesthesia. Then, it was bearable. Now the pain is better. The nurse and the doctor were surprised at the amount of Lycodine they had to give to numb me.

This is tough.....
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587083 tn?1327120262
Wishing you the very best.....and most of all"" BENIGN results""
We will keep our fingers crossed for you!!
Good Luck!
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962875 tn?1314210036
Good luck! (Both with the biopsy AND the results.)

Try cold packs off and on, to keep the swelling down and thus reduce the pain as well.

Warm regards,
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I have my biopsy schedueld for 2:00 pm tomorrow. Couldn't sleep. I am not sure about the pain after the biopsy. I hope I could go to work on Tuesday. I haven't informed anyone at work yet. I am just taking PTO off tomorrow.

Its tough. Thanks to all of you for your responses. I am glad I found this forum.
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962875 tn?1314210036
p.s.  The fact that you tested negative for at least some of the BC genes (there are several) is mainly benefical in terms of your children , since it means that they will not have inherited those particular genetic risk factors  for BC.

Theoretically, their risk should therefore be the same as for other women, although obesity, lack of exercise, drinking, and smoking would all increase their risk.

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962875 tn?1314210036
You are entirely welcome. Please keep us posted on how things are going for you.

Best wishes,
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Thank you for the details on MRI vs. Biopsy. Tht's very useful information.
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962875 tn?1314210036
Please use this link to check out a thread regarding biopsy versus MRI...


Best wishes...
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Thank you for your response. My gync made me get the genetic test in 2008. At that time, I was pregnant and I couldn't go for a mammogram. So we did the genetic test. It came out negative. I don't know if that has any meaning now, that I have suspicious calcifications.

May be, I should mention this to the doctor who consulted with me after the diagnostic mammogram. I forgot to bring it up at that time, as I was still trying to process everything she was telling me.

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Thank you for your response. I am trying to not worry. Given my family history, I am a little concerned. All the waiting is really making me nervous.

The only alternative, I was given is to wait and get another mammogram done in 6 months. However, I was told that is not recommended. I am not sure, why they did not offer a MRI. May be I should ask them.

Good luck to you too.

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587083 tn?1327120262
Sorry for my error.
BIRADS scores go from 0 to 5 and not 4.
5 being the highest is suspicion.
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587083 tn?1327120262
I believe that bluebutterfly222 has already responded to your post.

Here is the link.

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587083 tn?1327120262
A BIRADS category going from 0 to 4,is added by radiologist to show the degree of suspicion seen on Mammogram films.
A BIRADS 4 means that the calcifications are suspicious but nothing more than that.
Calcifications are a normal part of the aging process.In some situations, they can form around cancerous or precancerous conditions.If the calcifications are numerous, scattered throughout the breast, or large there tends to be less concern.However, when calcifications are clustered and small, the concern arises as to whether they are forming around an abnormality.If these calcifications are suspicious ,a biopsy is usually recommended to find out the true nature of these calcifications.(A biopsy is the ONLY way to find out ) Many,many clustered calcification return a benign finding though and this could be true for you also.
There is also something important I would like you to consider doing,since your sister has passed away so young because of this dreadful disease. :(
If close relatives have  been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer ,there is an important genetic test you can have that will show if you may carry a genetic mutation that increases your risk of those diseases. A little less than 10% of all breast cancers diagnosed in the United States are related to genetic mutations. Some genetic mutations are not inherited, but are somatic, meaning that the genes change during your lifetime and don't get repaired. People who are in these categories do have some choices about preventing and treating breast cancer, but they need to know for sure if they have those genetic mutations.
Men and women who are concerned about their risk of breast cancer may want to visit a genetic counselor to discuss their family health history, as well as other factors, to determine if a genetic test would be helpful.
Best wishes and hoping for Benign results !
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i also have the same Birad level 4, at the current moment
My doctors tell me what makes mine suspect is the calcs are clustered close together, with more than 5 in each cluster
they are all in the same duct, which winds around like a mountain road
I have been asking questions on this site,, not no real avail so far.
I hope someone can help me
I was actually ON the biopsy table Friday, to have stereotactic biospy ( AGAIN!)when they suddenly cancled it, they could not see these "clusters" clearly enough so they sent me home
i am schueduled for an I.V. CONTRAST MRI monday
not only is it less costly, less invasive, less scary, ..they can tell IF you have cancer cells because they show up as lights
I just wonder why they dont do this INSTEAD of these biopsies?
Over 50% of women have calcs, and 80% are benign
Family history, maybe that ups the odds I dont know
I am just being vocal about wondering WHY the ydont routinely do MRI ..instaed of the invasive biospy??
Good lcuk to you, don't worry , I am not worried, because whatever it is, IF you have anything it is caught early, with either MRi OR biopsy
Sorry about your sister.
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