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Bleeding after orgasm (NO PENETRATION)

I'm pretty sure this has to do with PCOS so not really looking so much for medical opinions (although if there are alternative explanations lay em on me!)...I'm hoping that I'm not alone in this and I can stop feeling like some hopeless freak!

I'm single and have been for a VERY long time. I engage in masterbation but only utilize clitoral stimulation- never any kind of insertion or anything that involved penetration. However, after I orgasm, there is always blood. Not a large amount and not for very long- but enough that I wonder WTH is going on?! I mentioned it to my OB/GYN and she sent me for an ultrasound which was normal....has anyone else ever dealt with this?

Starting to feel like between the weight, excess body hair, skin tags, and bleeding after orgasm that I'm gonna stay single forever :(
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Exactly the same happens to me. I have PCOS and besides de bleeding, the abdominal pain after the orgasm almost makes me not want to masturbate at all. I must mention that, like you, there is no penetration at all. I told my doctor and sadly, they really don’t know much about it.  :(
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You are not alone I have this EXACT SAME ISSUE! To the T I also have PCOS and spot after only clitoral stimulation also I I get a weird pressure and crampy feeling after also may I add I havent had a period in probably 5 years I just wanna know what the hell is going on also I have the skin tags I'm over weight and have the extra body hair it sucks I've just learned that I can't do anything and just go with it!
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I have all that too so you ladies aren't alone. Im actually seeing my ob later this week because i had 8cm dermoid terratomas on my Right ovary. Scary as hell and the abdominal pain after clitoral orgasm is 10x worse than its ever been
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After an orgasm, it is possible to have bleeding from the vaginal cavity. Aggressive sexual intercourse or being on a menstrual cycle are both likely reasons if a penis or sex object was able to pass into the vaginal cavity but when only the clitoris is stimulated during an orgasm, blood can also flow.

In order to understand the physiological reason for this, understanding the anatomy of the vaginal and secondary organs is useful. The clitoris represents one of the most sensitive organs in the female reproductive tract and is highly innervated by the vagus nerve. When the clitoris is first stimulated, the vagus nerve is activated and redirects blood to the clitoris and vaginal cavity. The vagina becomes engorged with blood and women in essences, have an "erection" similar to what happens with the penis of a male.

Bleeding After Sex

Bleeding can occur afterwards regardless of whether there is any penetration into the vaginal cavity depending on the integrity of the uterine wall. This is termed postcoital bleeding and is seen in almost 10 percent of women after orgasm. During a woman's reproductive years, this is generally a common and benign condition but once a woman reaches menopause, could represent something more sinister.

During a woman's period, the tissue sloughs off the wall and bleeding occurs because these small capillaries (blood vessels) are more exposed than during the rest of the cycle. Due to clitoral stimulation, prostaglandins are released into the tissue to help the vagina prepare for sexual intercourse and may naturally lead to blood slipping into the vaginal cavity.

You do not have to be on your period in order for this process to happen. It is very common for women to also experience spotting, a normally physiological process that occurs half way through a normal menstrual cycle. This can be due to a number of innocent causes such as changing the dose of OCP that you may be taking, a new diet, stresses at work or even changes in a sleep cycle. This problem normally self-corrects but it is wise to consult with your gynecologist to determine if the dose of your oral contraceptive is too high. A speculum examination will also be preformed to make sure there are no masses within the vaginal canal that could be causing these symptoms.

When you have reached menopause, bleeding during a clitoral orgasm is something that also most likely is benign in nature, but in up to 20 percent of women, there could be malignant changes to the cervix that must be investigated. It is imperative that you consult with your gynecologist immediately because cervical cancer is the biggest worry in this case. You will need to undergo a speculum examination and most likely have a biopsy of your cervix to ensure that there is no malignant changes to the tissue. [1]

An unfortunate fact that I have seen myself in the gynecology wards is women forget to get their Pap smears for a prolonged period of time. Even after menopause, women are still at risk for cervical changes and sexual activity is not needed to have these irregular changes. It is recommended that women between the ages of 21 to 65 get a Pap smear done every 3 years. If irregular cells are found, it is recommended that you follow-up with another Pap smear within 1 year. This is referred to as CIN types 1, 2 and 3. Make sure you know the state of your cervix and meet with a gynecologist regularly. [2]
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I'm a 21 year old. Have not had intercourse and only masturbated. The spotting reoccurs every now and then after I orgasmed. Is it normal?
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Hi. I just had a labscope end Jan. They removed cysts from my ovaries and discovered endometrioses and Fibroits. I am not allowed to use birth control as part of my treatment which now is only Vissanne. I keep bleeding during sexual intercause and we tried just clitorus stimulation and I bleed from that aswell. Can someone help? My guynie said everything should be normal by now. I see him again in April..
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563773 tn?1374246539
Light spots of discharge after sex or masturbation can be due to cervicitis (inflammation of cervix);vaginitis (inflammation of vagina);cervical ectropion (condition in which the cervical tissue is more susceptible to get injured by sex);cervical polyps; uterine fibroid; cancer of cervix, vagina and endometrium ; birth control pills or hormone therapy; pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted diseases; vaginal dryness etc.

The cervical conditions need to be ruled out first for which I suggest you to consult a gynecologist.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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Good day. Please answer me :( im turning 17 and im bleeding for 10 days now. Before, i can full a panty liner but now i can full a napkin a day. The doctor said i might have polyps or multicystic but that time it wasnt as heavy as now. Im worried, is there any possible cause for this? Thank you in advance
This happened to me today and I'm beyond confused. I've had a hysterectomy. The only things they left behind are my ovaries. I just turned 40 last week and it's the first time I've had spotting after an orgasm using only a clitoral suction toy. I get no periods, I'm not on birth control, nothing was inserted. I'm also having some slight cramping, but nothing near what they were before my hysterectomy. I'm single and not sexually active and rarely self pleasure. I'm slightly concerned, but since I have no cervix, I'm not worried abt cancer. I had all my std tests updated a few months back and all is well there..I'm stumped. Any thoughts?

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