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no impact bruise?

This is not the first time but it happened a few times before.

Suddenly, I noticed a bruise on my right ring finger between the 1st and the 2nd joints, for I felt the pain.  There was no any strong impact, though.  The second day, the bruise became dark red (or brown) from the concentrated blue color.  

I had blood work done before, yet there was never any blood disorder or blockage....etc

What could the cause be?  thanks
Best Answer
1081992 tn?1389903637
If you can use a break from the heavy stuff, here is something more casual. Histadelia is an alternative medicine term for having too much histamine and the associated personality traits. It is not accepted conventional medicine. This is sort of for fun, maybe also true.

Find 2-3 web pages that list the traits. Here is a list I dug up:

    High energy and creativity
    Sensitivity and empathy
    Strong emotions and reactions
    Tendency towards perfectionism
    Impulsive behavior
    Artistic and musical talents

I would add that I have seen lots of people with any kind of overactive immune systems and many/most are worriers and analyzers. That's not a criticism. I personally think that being high intensity is a good thing.
Ken, you are a genius!  And I think you are a psychic too, LOL.  Are you sure you just dug 203 web pages with the list of personality traits for the people with high histamine...

I have them all as the 6 items you listed here.  Other than having 20 years of education mainly on visual and musical disciplines respectively, my family all agree me being a very weird person.  Although I've tried hiding my weirdness from outside of my family, yet I don't feel belonging to any group or race.

An abusive mom, who has never had good health, undoubtedly with bad temper, always complains why i can't be like others!!!  When I was 5 or 6, never seeing how shrimps were cooked, I saw mom dumped shrimps into the boiling water.  I felt so sorry and cried and refused to eat them.  Mom scolded me for being too silly and asked me "what's wrong with you?"

Anyway....juts a side story., but thank you for bringing this up to make me laugh, for everything describes me perfectly, and it's fun to know it....

Oh, no worries about criticism.  Even if you MEANT it, I would take it too, for I KNOW my own short-comings.... but I just can't change for the better, even though I've tried SO HARD....
19 Responses
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1081992 tn?1389903637
chueh, websearch for--> MCAS cold sensitivity

Also learn about how the hypothalamus regulates temperature, and it contains H4 receptors which respond to histamine. So maybe that explains your symptom.

Usually though, people with excess histamine hate the heat and like the cold, if I remember correctly. You are opposite. Histamine dilates blood vessels, but maybe the vessels in your skin are instead constricted and so you are feeling cold in normal temperatures.

If I go out for a walk in very cold weather, after 5 minutes or so of vigorous walking my hands suddenly feel warm from vasodilation.

People with mast cell disorders don't all feel the same symptoms. So it's termed a heterogenous disorder. If you were to watch videos made by mast cell patients, they will not all be exactly the same.

It's also one of those disorders that is said to "be encountered by many doctors, but recognized by few".
Helpful - 1
Ah... MCAS and cold sensitivity, along with sleep deprivation (everyday), weakness, depression (for a while), irritation (all the time), and etc... all describe me...

And autonomic nervous is one of the 3 major systems for "hypothalamus."  When I went to the neurologist and told him about my 3 concerns: back pain and sciatica, over-active sympathetic system while under-active parasympathetic, and trigenminal reaction.  The doc totally ignored the last 2 concerns but only told me to get a MRI for my lumbar.  He did not even mention anything else.

I told him that I had to be in a quiet environment for at least 3 hours before bedtime without anybody else, except my husband (same day-to-day life together).  If I talked on the phone with someone hours ahead, or had someone else with me, I couldn't fall asleep, and my entire night would be me with opened eyes restlessly.  Any slight disturb or excitement or non-routine acitivities got me high and felt anxious.

I guess that a specialist, as you mentioned before stressing one concern.  Myneurologist probably was too overwhelmed by me throwing him 3 concerns, which I believed were all related.  Indeed, I truthly believe how our bodies work by coordinations.  You cannot treat one part of the problem without looking into others or other parts or even the entire system.  They are ALL related....  

So...by reading what you suggested, MCAS and hypothalamus are so affecting each other....  Ah... so nice to finally have a clue what's going on with me....  I am really tired of going to different doc and tell each one of them repetively without knowing what's going on.

Even though I don't have allergy like what most people have: seasonal allergy, food allergy, or predictible type of allergy, but my autoimmune is out of wack with UNPREDICTIBLE outbreaks...Mast Cells......ah......
1081992 tn?1389903637
chueh, you have intelligently anticipated our next step: I figured you would have other 'oddities' to add into the mix. I further reasoned there would be inflammatory things, which is why I'd introduced that term. E.g., swelling is inflammation, caused by immune system cells called Mast Cells.

"Lips suddenly swollen with blisters when i was 20-40(i have pretty much been aware of what I eat and remember what I ate).  I practice good hygiene, so I never touch my mouth with hands unless just washed."
Bingo. Not only swelling but the more severe type with blisters. Remind me to discuss the possible trigger in the near future.

"hive outbreak with no know reasons.  The last severe one I got happened so very suddenly.  I got super itching skin from the head to the toes, rash everywhere. "
Bingo again. The outbreak could have been from an allergy, or... more likely from your Mast Cells running amok on their own.  An immune system dysfunction.

I was going to ask if you ever had flushing or something similar out of nowhere. Now we very rightly look at MCAS. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Mast Cells release many powerful biochemicals,. That includes histamine which caused massive vasodilation - which in turn caused your blood pressure to drop. Imagine water running through a backyard hose, if we expand/dilate the hose from 1" to 2" then the pressure inside drops.

"Heart beats were racing."
To compensate for less pressure, the heart beats faster to try to keep enough blood to the brain.

"Emergency doc gave me a shot"
Likely adrenalin, to oppose the vasodilation caused by the histamine.

"and i passed out right away"
because the adrenalin was not quite quick enough. You could have died from 'shock' if you were alone.

" No bites, no food allergy, never know WHY. "
That can happen spontaneously. That's even more true with the more severe MC disorder called mastocytosis.  This is now the main focus of our investigation. Absolutely.

And certainly be wary of bee stings and resulting anaphylaxis.


Got to rush off for now. Some odds and ends:

"I don't have to use the blood pressure machine to know how it is"
I meant comparing ankle pressure to arm/brachial pressure. But that's not important anymore.

"...lower than MY normal readings"
Always be wary of passing out and banging your head, which can be very serious. Sit down or better yet lay down if imminent. Yes, you know that but this is just a reminder.

"I cannot soak myself in warm/hot water, for I felt like I was out of breath. For some reason, I had a hard time relaxing in bath, feeling lack of oxygen and fatiguing "
Vasodilation bodywide from the heat. Then there's not enough blood to go around, that's hypotensive 'shock'. Yes, be very careful of that. As the network of blood vessels get internally bigger (the volume inside the vessels), there is not enough blood to go around and therefor less pressure.

More tomorrow...


Your easy bruising as in the title of this post can happen because Mast Cells also release heparin, a powerful blood thinner.

Helpful - 1
Ken, I've learned a lot from you. Thank you so much.

When I was 48, I felt slightly hot during the night for a short period of length, thinking of it as part of pre-menopausal symptoms.  But it went away on its own.

Im still not officially in menopause yet, even though I've been in pre-manopause for quite some years now.  I'm 53 and still not done with my periods yet (most women are already in manopause by 53).

Other than having only a short period of length feeling hot at night, I have not felt flushing or even just feeling hot any time in my life.  My extremeties have always been cold in winter.  I always have to quickly put clothes on right after each shower in winter, for I feel cold right away.  My body doesn't seem retain warmth long, even if I had very hot shower for a long time.  As soon as I get out of the shower, I feel cold immediately in winter.

Even in summer time, while comfortably stay indoors with 78F, I feel actualy cool while the AC is blowing the air (I am NOT directly under any vent, but just atmosphere wise, I feel slightly colder).  Visitors who come to my house seem to be comfortable between 76-77F, especially kids.  I feel hot sitting right next to them, so I keep the thermometer at 76F when there are kids (they are only here for 2-3 hours).

As soon as they leave, I have to take a very hot shower to counter-balance feeling cool.

When I hike in winter here in GA, if the temperature is below 50F, my hands and toes would start to feel a little numb and cold.  My arms don't feel belonging to me after 1-2 hour hike.  I try shaking my arms during the hike from time to time to prevent blood not well circulating in my arms.  The movements help, yet not very much.
1081992 tn?1389903637
"Did any doctor use a blood pressure cuff on your ankles?"
To rule out some obstruction of blood flow to the legs. The "ankle-brachial index".
Helpful - 1
To tell you the truth, I've learned much more here about my issues than going to the doctors.  They always only respond ONE condition.  For example, when I described my legs being weak, fatiguging, heavy, swollen, varicose appearance, he had me to do the ultra sound.  And then he reported that nothing was abnormal.  That's all!  None of any doctors have tried to QUESTION why i would feel certain ways........  They only go about the numbers.

1081992 tn?1389903637
"I forgot to add that I suspected i had vessel problem, not only due to heavy legs, but also I get bruises quite easily."
Overall, something wrong with the vessels is my top speculation for now. Maybe some 'connective tissue disorder' resulted in malfunctioning one-way valves in the veins. And varicose veins. Also easy bruising because vessel walls are weak.  

Yes, easy bruising is a top clue.

"My mom has low counts on her platelets."
That's a separate cause, as is low clotting proteins made in the liver.

Helpful - 1
Ken, you are so good.  Thank you for being so thorough.  If one of my doctors is like you, I would be so happy!!!!!!  Every single time I visit a doc, nothing is found....  But i;m not crazy though...

Yes, reading what you wrote here, I cannot agree more.  What you said all makes a lot of sense.
973741 tn?1342342773
This could be out there but there is a disorder that does cause this.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6774649/ Here is another article.  https://www.aad.org/dw/dw-insights-and-inquiries/archive/2021/achenbach-syndrome See what you think.  Might be worth mentioning to your doctor.
Helpful - 1
Thank you so very much.  One of the article shows the picture just looking like mine.  
Well done, specialmom.

Achenbach's looks to be a diagnosis by exclusion with an unknown cause, and is considered benign. I'd never heard of it - maybe it's said to be very rare because it often just gets dismissed.

But one possible cause that should definitely be excluded first is thoracic outlet syndrome - which is **not** benign. I knew a homeless guy who had that and it was misdiagnosed as polyangiitis obliterans.

Here's a diagnostic approach, Figure 4 on: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8441023/

It says to look for a weak or absent pulse in the wrist on that arm. An extra upper rib squeezes off the blood flow to that arm.

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I think it's Achenbach Syndrome. I have had this several times over the years. It is self-resolving and much testing had come up with neither mortality nor morbidity. It's rare but pretty harmless.
Helpful - 0
thank you lesliew
1081992 tn?1389903637
"Everything else seems to be directly derived from MC problem"
Probably, yes.

But there are other major ones like prostaglandins and leukotrienes which we might get to eventually.

I guarantee you, the complexity of the immune system is endless :) But I am trying not to introduce too much too soon.

When you feel as if your head might explode from too much, then you are doing this right :)

In two weeks or so, you might think, "Now I really understand it". Then in 4 months you will think, "Now I really really understand it". And so on.
Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
If your half-sister is somewhat similar, you can of course end up helping her. If she lets you.
Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
"going about to try reduce my problems..."
Here is what a highly paid Mast Cell specialist like Afrin would do for starters:
- H1 blocker, diphenhydramine/Benadryl
- H2 blocker (which are sold as antacids, try between Tagamet Pepcid Zantac, one might work better than another)
- mast cell stabilizer (but we want OTC, not Rx, so quercetin or fisetin or luteolin
- take for for six weeks, then you'd go back to that doc for followup)

- also monitor if any foods make you bad, look up their histamine content. Or find and follow an anti-histamine diet.

- try diphenhydramine as a sleep aid, double dose. But if daytime use makes you groggy, use a non-sedating H1 blocker instead during the day

I personally would say: be ultra self-observant, and try various things. By all means keep absorbing as much knowledge as you can, until you can customize your approach to yourself. This is your life's work now. Every success you have will spur you on to progress more and more healthwise.

"As my husband usually says that my body works differently than others."
Yes, he is very correct; so hopefully you take him with you on all medical appointments, and he should take notes (especially writing down any technical terms to look up later).

"when we hike/bike more miles than usual, my husband gets up the next morning much later with slonger sleep, while I am not."
There's a name for that: unrefreshing sleep

"My sleep problem is the worst in summer."
That's a clue, to something. Try to figure out why. Humidity? Pollen? Mast cells have heat receptors, btw.

"drugs similar to the shot the ER doc gave me for my severe hives, they all work either strangely for me or non effective"
That's called: paradoxical effect

Your docs have mostly been applying Band-aids instead of trying to correct the underlying cause.

homeopathy is useless, except possibly for inducing a placebo effect (which itself is not useless). I'm talking about the ultra dilution type, which supposedly changes the left behind water molecules.

Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
Okay, back to work.

"no urticaria pigmentosa at all.
no spontaneous flushing either."
Then you are probably not mastocytosis.

' "I'm not sure what you meant by drawing "pronounced line" '
Find some photos of dermographia. The small pressure on the MCs can cause them to release histamine and so there can be a red line, in some people.

MCs don't circulate in the blood, they line all the places that are world-facing: skin, lungs and GI tract. They are on sentry duty, for invaders. But they don't destroy invaders, they instead orchestrate other immune cells to destroy the invaders. Or unfortunately they sometimes orchestrate attacks against the innocent human who houses them :)  Like hired mercenaries running amok.

MCs have over 100 "receptors" (sort of like sensors) and over 200 "mediators" (powerful biochemicals that they secrete). So they can do many things, and account for many symptoms.

Helpful - 0
Thank you, sorry I missed checking the image for demographia.  But now I know what it looks like after checking out the images.  My half sister does have demographia, but I do NOT.
1081992 tn?1389903637
"I have them all as the 6 items you listed here."

"I don't feel belonging to any group or race."
Me, neither. That's called being a Sigma. Independent minded.

"but thank you for bringing this up to make me laugh,"
Okay, since you say so... try Korean Sigma Girl Cherri, Short videos.

Perfectionist Sigma

Tough and Undeterrable Sigma

Surprise Sigma
Helpful - 0
This site does not seem to have EDIT button, so I am just adding this to my previous comment asking for your suggestions.

I did not mean focusing on sleep problem, although I only gave my sleep deprivation examples.  I'd like your suggestion to go about trying IN GENERAL, I guess first of all my MC is not working right, so i need to tackle on that first.  Everything else seems to be directly derived from MC problem.....  thanks
1081992 tn?1389903637
Simple, imperfect definitions:
- allergy is when the body attacks harmless things (pollen, food, dust) as if they were threats. Allergy involves Mast Cells.
- MCAS is when the MCs go off too easily, too powerfully and/or too often. It's like in a Western movie when the bottle of nitroglycerin gets hot in the sun and therefor might go off just from shaking it.


- anaphylaxis is a severe MC reaction. If you ever start to get swollen lips or tongue get somebody to drive you to an ER quick and then debate about it later, else the throat might close next.
- anaphylactic shock is possibly fatal, when blood pressure drops so very low and organs and brain don't get circulation.

But ^^^^^^^^^^ it's NOT likely you will get those two, just be aware.
Helpful - 0
So, Ken, if I may ask for your suggestions on going about to try reduce my problems, now after you kind of gathered what my problems are:

I prefer go to modern day's clinics/facilities only for more acute problems.  I tend to like alternative or homeopathic medicine better for chronic problems.  Even though none of my problems seem to dissolve or reduced much by going to doctors with tests/exams, I did try some.  For example, my primary care physician prescribed me Trazodone 2 years ago during summer for anti-depressant/sleep aid.  I felt funny in day time, so I stopped taking it.  My other neurologist prescribed me Alprazolam (Xanax) a month ago for anti-anxiety/sleeping aid.  I don't like it at all, feeling too sleepy an hour after taking it (prescribed to be taken after a meal in day time).

My sleep problem is the worst in summer.  That's why they prescribed medicine during this time.  Generally, I am kind of an anti-drug person, yet I asked for them out of despair.  However, not only did those pills affect me strangely during daytime, they did not really help my night time sleep.  For some reason, unless drugs similar to the shot the ER doc gave me for my severe hives, they all work either strangely for me or non effective.

I'm not saying that only alternative medicine would work; it's by chance too.  I've always wondered WHY the diets or things work for others don't work the same way for me.  I have tried what work for most people to get better, yet not really anyone works....  

As my husband usually says that my body works differently than others.  I can tell you the simplest example:  when we hike/bike more miles than usual, my husband gets up the next morning much later with slonger sleep, while I am not.  It doesn't matter how exhausted I can get during the day-time, my sleep quality never is consistent.

The same goes with natural sleeping supplements.  I can take double dose of something, and it does not knock me out better during the night.  Anyway, my body is more Sigma than me...

1081992 tn?1389903637
It sounds like you've had a very hard time for a lot of years, so I'll go the extra mile to try to help. I also recognize that you are willing to put in the mental effort, which makes things go well.

"The doc totally ignored the last 2 concerns but only told me to get a MRI for my lumbar."
Right, standard medicine is good at what it's good at, but not good at these immune mysteries.

If you get episodes without any identifiable trigger, seemingly random, we need to consider mastocytosis (cytosis = increase in cell number) - the worse condition than MCAS. Hopefully, we can rule it out. I think we will.

-Find pictures of urticaria pigmentosa (brown spots aka pigment) and see if you match. (I think you would have mentioned that.)

-You don't have spontaneous flushing, right?

-Can you draw pronounced lines on your sternum with a fingernail? Find pictures of dermographia.

Helpful - 0
no urticaria pigmentosa at all.
no spontaneous flushing either.

I'm not sure what you meant by drawing "pronounced line".  I could draw a line on my sternum without wiggling.  It seems flat to me, but there is no definite separation connecting to the ribs.....
1081992 tn?1389903637
"Ken, you are so good.  Thank you for being so thorough."
And thanks to you for replying thoroughly. Would you believe, many people won't reply at all?

"If one of my doctors is like you, I would be so happy!!!!!!"
Next visit, you can surprise them with your acquired knowledge :) Some docs like that, but some resent it.

"But i;m not crazy though..."
It's not unusual for people with mystery conditions to get wrongly sent to a shrink.

You will have noticed that I give you signposts on things to look up and understand, like Tilt Table Test. Everything I've been saying is deliberate. I think you are very diligent and you will reread everything.

So here is one more term: systemic vasculitis. It's one possibility, but not the only one, for your underlying cause. Roughly, it means when blood vessels are inflamed and they don't behave correctly.

Btw, have you had the ANA blood test?
Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
"To tell you the truth, I've learned much more here about my issues than going to the doctors."
Good!  :)   Now you must be obsessive in correlating and ruminating over everything. That was my goal.

"They always only respond ONE condition."
Yes, that is the problem with specialists. You are insightful.

"For example, when I described my legs being weak, fatiguging, heavy, swollen, varicose appearance, he had me to do the ultra sound.  And then he reported that nothing was abnormal.  That's all!"
Probably only checking for Deep Vein Thrombosis.

"None of any doctors have tried to QUESTION why i would feel certain ways........  They only go about the numbers."
Insightful again!! :) But what we are after is the **why**. This is called the Functional Medicine approach - which is the way to go after going-by-the-numbers gets nowhere.

Accordingly, now answer this: what happened/changed when you were 45?
Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
"No known allergy."
I think you maybe have mouth allergy. That accounts for the immediate reaction. (I like these mystery cases, so I read some of your other posts.)

Otherwise, Oral Lichen Planus was suggested to you on your mouth post; maybe that autoimmune condition sensitizes your mouth, and the immediate reaction your get is from acid, alcohol mouthwash. etc.

"I'm not acquainted with the effects of excess histamine."
Well, I think you should be. Did you know that the sleep aid Sominex is the same antihistamine med as Benadryl? Histamine has many effects, including being an alertness chemical.

"Yes, I got POTS, ONLY when I am not doing anything special but after bending my knees to take out things from cabinets.  If I am doing aerobic with sudden ups and downs, I never have any POTS."
Leg muscles being contracted makes blood flow upwards against gravity in the veins. Otherwise, the blood would just stay down there. Also in a Tilt Table Test, the patient often faints because they are upright posturally, but secured/belted on the table and so leg muscles are not contracted. I am suggesting to you mechanisms which might explain your various symptoms - which you can mull over.

"...strange condition after age of 45"
What happened then? Any immense stress or virus or chemical exposure? Menopause?

"After I bike, then my legs feel normal "
Maybe because you forced blood flow. Did any doctor use a blood pressure cuff on your ankles? They should have.

Or maybe lymph flow. Have you heard of lymphatic drainage massage? Look on youtube.

"I have cramps quite often on shin, calves, and top of feet"
If that's not from low Mg or K, then maybe it's from buildup of exercise metabolites (e.g., lactic acid) along with insufficient blood flow to flush them out. How does that sound to you?

Ever tried PostWorkOut hot bath to stimulate flow? Or PWO ice bath to inhibit inflammation?

Helpful - 0
Speaking of allergy, I had some strange ones, yet never found out what caused them.
1. Lips suddenly swollen with blisters when i was 20-40(i have pretty much been aware of what I eat and remember what I ate).  I practice good hygiene, so I never touch my mouth with hands unless just washed.
2. hive outbreak with no know reasons.  The last severe one I got happened so very suddenly.  I got super itching skin from the head to the toes, rash everywhere.  Heart beats were racing.  Emergency doc gave me a shot, and i passed out right away.  No bites, no food allergy, never know WHY.

Ok, I got what you said about excess histamine now....

Yes, maybe menopausal trigger... I don't use "chemical" chemical, but who can be sure. I might inhale or eat something that caused chemical change inside me....???  Good direction to point to me.

I used the foam roller to massage under armpits once.  Ouch...... that hurt.  So... that was the last time...  OK, thanks for pointing in that direction. Will try once more...

You: "If that's not from low Mg or K, then maybe it's from buildup of exercise metabolites (e.g., lactic acid) along with insufficient blood flow to flush them out. How does that sound to you? "

*Me:  makes perfect sense to me... and I guess by working out more, I flush the buildup out more.   If I only do 20 min low-medium impact aerobics, it only helps so little.

I don't have to use the blood pressure machine to know how it is, but I can tell it's lower than MY normal readings with my fatigue and weak feeling entirely, not only just legs.  That's when I am home only doing chores and working a little bit without vigorous exercise.  My body on Saturdays feel usually quite normal, for I hike and bike.

You: "Ever tried PostWorkOut hot bath to stimulate flow? "
*Me: I don't like taking tath at all.  I cannot soak myself in warm/hot water, for I felt like I was out of breath.  For some reason, I had a hard time relaxing in bath, feeling lack of oxygen and fatiguing
1081992 tn?1389903637
"You spoke about the weak pulse on wrist"
Only on one wrist if there's a blockage on that side. But if they are equal, we rule out thoracic outlet syndrome, but must still wonder why you get the bruising/pain on only one side. E.g., even a dog leash, or opening a jar, can be sufficient if you are vulnerable somehow.

"It got me thinking that I have Hypotention with low pulse: usually 80/50 with heart beats of 56."
That could be normal for you if you are very small. Or, it could mean you have chronic vasodilation from some inflammatory cause. Allergies? Are you well acquainted with the effects of excess histamine?

Dehydration? Ever get dizzy upon standing? POTS (positional orthostatic tachycardia)?

"continuously working out... all day long outdoor activity, hiking/biking"
It's not unusual for fit, healthy women to develop immune system dysfunction. Also, autoimmunity is generally most common in women of childbearing age. Any family history?

"always had very swollen lower legs during flying"
Have you heard of blood pooling in lower legs? POTS and EDS? Are your joints or skin hyper mobile? Joint laxity/weakness or pain?

"I have visible varicose peearance"
Any reason to suspect you have fragile/weak blood vessels? This gets back to the finger problem.

Deficiency of magnesium and or vitamin C? Any extreme nutritional approach like carnivore or vegan?

Bleeding gums? There is a modern resurgence of scurvy.

Helpful - 0
Ken, you are absolutely helpful.  Thank you.

You: "That could be normal for you if you are very small. Or, it could mean you have chronic vasodilation from some inflammatory cause. Allergies? Are you well acquainted with the effects of excess histamine? "

*Me: I'm 5'3" 120lb.  No known allergy.  I'm not acquainted with the effects of excess histamine.

You:"Dehydration? Ever get dizzy upon standing? POTS (positional orthostatic tachycardia)? "

*Me: I have DDD with slight dehydration of spine, yet I do drink about 8 glasses of water daily, so I'm not sure if I am dehydrated or not.  My concern is that if I drink more, my night is ruined....

Yes, I got POTS, ONLY when I am not doing anything special but after bending my knees to take out things from cabinets.  If I am doing aerobic with sudden ups and downs, I never have any POTS.

You: "It's not unusual for fit, healthy women to develop immune system dysfunction. Also, autoimmunity is generally most common in women of childbearing age. Any family history? "

*Me: I had not had any issues during childbearing age, LOL, I'm too old now, yet I have all sorts of back pain and strange condition after age of 45.  I'm 53 now.  My brother died from the enlargement of his heart.  Mom has had cancers in her ovary, liver, thyroid.  She is still alive in her late 80s.

You: "Have you heard of blood pooling in lower legs? POTS and EDS? Are your joints or skin hyper mobile? Joint laxity/weakness or pain? "

*Me: I'm not sure about blood pooling, but i'll definitely google it.  I heard the embolism... My orthopedic doc told me that I had arthritis.  I do have joint DISCOMFORT on finger joints and wrists from time to time, but i wouldn't say painful.  Knees sometimes borthers me a little.

You: "Any reason to suspect you have fragile/weak blood vessels? This gets back to the finger problem. "

*Me: lower legs feel like elephants' very heavy most of the time, unless work-out for quite a long time.  Heavy yet no strength, very fatigue.  However, I can bike.  After I bike, then my legs feel normal (after long time biking and hiking, can I feel normal.

You: "Deficiency of magnesium and or vitamin C? Any extreme nutritional approach like carnivore or vegan? "

*Me: I have cramps quite often on shin, calves, and top of feet.  I had taken magnesium supplement 200mg every few days, yet nothing got better, while I read about too much magnesium also make cramps.  So, now, I only take it maybe once or twice a month.  

No, I dont have particular diet, yet more towards vegetarian.  I don't like meat, but I do take soy and other beans as protein booster.  I do eat more fish then any animal proteins.

You:" Bleeding gums? There is a modern resurgence of scurvy. "
*Me: Normally, gums are ok.  Once in a while, gum bleeds when infected.
I forgot to add that I suspected i had vessel problem, not only due to heavy legs, but also I get bruises quite easily.  My mom has low counts on her platelets.
1081992 tn?1389903637
Looking at chueh's history of posts, her series of unusual conditions are very possibly related to this finger problem.

Occam's Razor: first look for one underlying cause to everything.
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Ken.  Thanks so much for looking into my history, which indeed helps a lot for ssing the potential causes.

You spoke about the weak pulse on wrist..... It got me thinking that I have Hypotention with low pulse: usually 80/50 with heart beats of 56.

My syst varies more than diat.,yet pulse doesn't vary much.  I told my PC doc about my being usually WEAK especially my legs, unless having all day long outdoor activity, hiking/biking.  He did order some thyroid and electrolyte, B12 blood work.  They all seem within normal range.  My red blood cell is running on lower counts, though.  

Due to weak, fatigue, and tired legs most of the time if not continuously working out, I visited a vascular doc.  He ordered ultra sound.  No abnormal condition found though.  However, I've always had very swollen lower legs during flying, even though I constantly got up and walk around.

I have visible varicose peearance; that's what I call it.  But again, the ultra sound did not fund anything abnormal.  Because of no abnormal findings, I went to a neurologist.  I told the doc my back hurt for quite sometimes already, and legs got so weak with ONE time only sciatica.  I had the MRI, I did have bulged discs and slightly forward spinal bones in between.

Anyway....I've been doing physical therapy with a PT for a while.  It did not seem better, so I quit with the PA, yet still doing it on my own.

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