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No feeling in vagina am i normal

Hi there!! i am 20 and a virgin .. i just dont seem to be able to get turned on at all. My boyfriend was fooling around inside my vagina and said that i should be able to feel something, that it should feel 'special' but its just totally numb i cant feel him touch anything. Is this normal?? should i be able to feel something?
If at all related i also have problems with irregular periods.

Thank You
39 Responses
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Have you tryed not trying to feel it women's sexual Urge's are highly tied to your state of mind if you want sex mentally but are thinking about bills kids school etc it can put a stop to any and all arousal if possible you should see both a psychological sex doctor and a psysical sex doctor hope this helps i have been dealing with my wife non sexual tendencies for 10+ yrs it gets easier trust me.
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I had 'normal' feeling in the vagina and then one day it was gone. I then had no feeling inside the vagina whatsoever. It is NOT normal to have no feeling what so ever.
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This is incorrect information that has been posted in other forums by different people. You cannot tell someone what is normal ....and that they are supposed to feel pleasure in a certain way. To say if they take certain medications they will loose all feeling permanently is absurd!! You are spreading disinformation that can hurt people
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728927 tn?1310656447
A traumatic experience can sometimes permanently make it more difficult to become aroused and feel pleasure. This means a loss in feelings of anticipation, the overall feeling of being "horny," and even a lessened awareness in regards to stimulation. And I don't necessarily mean rape. People who have lost loved ones, especially spouses, I have noticed are especially susceptible. This could be because in addition, there may be feelings of guilt or self-punishment. This is all subconscious, mind you! This observation does not apply to those of you who are literally numb because of damaged or faulty nerves, but I felt it could be valuable to post nonetheless. If this is a suspected cause of loss of the quality of intercourse, it may be a good idea to look into using an antidepressant.
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    smart alec!    this young woman needs help not your defensive smart attitude
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    smart alec!    this young woman needs help not your defensive smart attitude
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almost the same scenario with me and my girlfriend except we haven't try vibrator. She couldn't feel anything neither on her clitoris nor on her vagina. I tried everything i know, i spent more than an hour for foreplay, she could become well wet but still doesn't feel. I even tried holding my ejaculation for almost an hour but the result's the same. She doesn't get aroused even when i caress her nipples..its like she is completely numb everywhere on her body though she do have the desire to have sex. I feel absolutely helpless as i could do nothing to satisfy her.
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I'm really relieved to have read all of these posts. I'm 21 years old, and I just entered a sexual relationship (after making the poor guy wait forever). But I don't feel anything down there either... He tried everything, and it just wasn't happening. We've had sex multiple times, and I haven't felt any pleasure from the act. He's used his tongue and his fingers, and he's even rubbed different parts of my body (legs, back, shoulders, breasts) but still nothing. However, just recently, he used a clitoral vibrator on me (I was completely nervous the first time he showed it to me)  and it felt really good and "got me going" but after he set it down and entered me, it was back to square one. I feel terrible though, because he's trying so hard and nothing is happening for me. I don't want him to think that it's because I don't want him...
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I got a Plusone bullet vibrator today, I rubbed it on my clit and for a few seconds it was tingly it made me feel hot but then I couldn't feel anything a few seconds later after using it. I don't know if this normal because right now it feels really numb around the area. :( I even tried it on my vagina all it felt like I needed to **** no pleasure at all.
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I have many of the same problems. What feels good for a man usually does not feel good for a women.  First of all, I am 46.  I only once had an orgasim from intercourse.  My one and only pleasure spot is my clitorious.  I do agree that is where your nerve endings are.  Oral sex and stimulating the little man in the boat usually works for me, but takes time depending on how good your man is in stimulating it, but your body and mind has to be all there too.  I do agree  and have always said, my clit is my penis.  Your partner has to work on pulling it out of the hood.  When I have orgasms I have multiples could be up to 20.  The secret is to having multiples is one u have the 1st one. Stop and wait 20 seconds, then have him go down and do again, do this repeatitly. Until you feel you feel you are done.  It's amazing.  

A good loving man should massage you to help relax you and put you in the mood.  Also have some wine.  I too get swollen in my vagina with long or hard pumping action.  I do believe it is from dryness .  I may start out wet, but after a while gets dry and hurts and then swells, all of your post have helped me understand this.  I do agree.
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2117169 tn?1334642848
I can tell that you didn't read most of the comments.

I am the same as most of these women on here except my story is a little different. I could feel everything down there up until August 2010 where I some how obtained a back injury. I lost all feeling from the waist down and was rushed to the er where I had emergency back surgery. It never restored any of my feeling down there. I have no feeling in the clit or the vagina. It really drives me nuts because I haven't been able to orgasm because I cant feel anything. I can get horny, but that is from stimulation from my breasts. I just had my 3rd back surgery where I was told that my sensation should be getting better, but nope, it is still the same. They don't know what has caused it. The nerve that was cut off in 2010 should have already been healed by now they even said this last surgery was a success. My neurosurgeon said there is nothing else that can be done by him and that I should contact my pcp. My pcp told me that I needed to go to the gyno, but I haven't received any help with that. I know how it feels to be pleasured and have multiple orgasms and for all of that to basically disappear over night is hell.

I want answers and help. I want to be able to orgasm and feel sex again.
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it is COMPLETLY NORMAL not to feel anything INSIDE the vagina.
Maybe if trying to find g-spot but that might take some time.
The clit is the female version of a penis. Literally. It's a tiny penis head. SO THAT is the source of most pleasure. Play with it.

Some might be more sensitive to feeling inside the vagina, but some do not. And there is NOTHING abnormal about that.
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I am deeply confused. I just tried my clitoris due to this comment, it made me feel hot at first then bam it went away. It just become numb, it's been 20 minutes and my clit is still numb. I don't know if it's the vibrator I used. It's the plusone bullet vibrator.
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You are SUPPOSED to feel something nice during intercourse. If you don't, then something is not right. Like a woman above wrote: it's supposed to feel lovely.

I had a very sensitive vagina and intercourse used to feel wonderful. After I was put on Estrogen by a doctor, my sensation disappeared over night. It has not been restored even years after coming off estrogen.

Numbness can be cause by medications such as antidepressants, birth control pills, the acne medication ACCUTANE, and hormones. Unfortunately, these drugs can cause permanent damage to genital sensation, which is not restored after quitting the drug. It persists forever.
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there are many diff causes, some psychological, but some are very phisical. some of you may need to get a referal to a NEUROLOGIST.     If you are getting no where with your gyn doctor, you may need to head in a differant direction. sometimes conditions such as M.S can cause this.   It doesnt mean the problems imaginary or in your head, but if your nervous system is messed up, it can cause loss of feeling/no sensation.    Ask for both an Mri and another test, sometimes you can get false negitives.    in the mean time eat healthier lessen sugar intake, and up vitiman B intake.
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hello..i am 35 and never come while its in...i feel only the in and out but no excitement what so ever. The only way i come is when i cross my legs and put pressure down there. its a pulsating feeling that i get which feels great and i get a bit breathless. is this the real deal. I have no idea what masturbating is? pls HELP.
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Hi, im the same! im nearly 19
ive been to the Gp who refferd me to the gyne
and he told me it was all in my head and go back to my GP and see a conselor.
i need answers , we all do.
im having a hysteroscopy done soon as i demanded one.
ill let you know how it goes.
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Hi, im the same! im nearly 19
ive been to the Gp who refferd me to the gyne
and he told me it was all in my head and go back to my GP and see a conselor.
i need answers , we all do.
im having a hysteroscopy done soon as i demanded one.
ill let you know how it goes.
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I have not resolved the problem with my wife's issue.  Where it differs is that she used to be horny as hell when she was 19.  No one could satisfy her.  then at 25 it is all gone..  And it should not be that way.  So the plot thickens for those of you who just can't get any pleasure.
Some can only get off with anal sex, others clitoral and sex is just so complicated because we are not the same.  And some men are jerks and don't know what the hell are they doing, and rough up the women.  No wonder they can't enjoy themselves.  So doctors say, use lube because that is the most most common issue.  If i fix my wife I will post it here, but I can't say that her solution will be yours.  We can only try.
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I am the same as what you say. I am still wondering what is the problem. You know, it is difficult to talk about this with friends and doctor. My body is normal and I have baby before also. Is there anyone here can tell me the problem? Any thing can REPAIR me?
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I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't feel anything either... I'm 19 and I've never felt anything and it drives me crazy. If anyone knows of any help it would be so appreciated
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I know exactly what's happening. NO, it's NOT HORMONES (well, it could be, but I have another explanation).

I don't feel anything down there. I don't know what it feels like to be horny. But they tested my hormones, and my hormones are completely normal. You know what it is? I have MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. My nervous system is damaged, causing loss of sensation of my clit/vagina. Look up multiple sclerosis and get checked. I bet that you have it. It IS NOT normal. All of my other friends knows what being horny is like, enjoy sex, etc.. They don't have M.S.
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1558882 tn?1294708149
The walls are not suppose to have feeling. The male penis enjoys the feeling sensation of your vagina walls, but that is not the source of pleasure to the female. As you know you do not feel a tampon inside, that is where the birth canal opens to make room for the baby to be born, no nerve endings there. Now she can feel the top of her cervix and the opening of her vagina. that does no thing for the woman. For the woman he needs to aim it to her g-spot, only if the g-spot can be found and hit repeatedly will the woman have any pleasure from the male penis pumping rythem. She will feel a sensation to pee, then she will release a lot of fluid. A man pumping in my vagina for an hour without hitting my g-spot feels just as good as cleaning out the boogers in my nose. People are just ignorant is all, to much assuming from badly made porn made by men for men being viewed.
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Same problem for me, no feeling at all inside of me. I've been to the Dr. before and all I've ever heard (from multiple doctors) is that I should use lube... Obviously not helpful. Thank goodness there are other people who know what I'm talking about
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First. Many doctors have to deal with complete idiots so their answers have to be idiot proof assuming your question stems from uninformation.  Second their answers need to be tailored to the responses of the patient.  You should not have tactile sensitivity in your vagina, but you should have sexually stimulating sensitivity.  It might be a lot, or a little since everybody's body is different. Do you have sexual sensitivity on your clit? How numb is it? can you masturbate? Can you get your self off?  These questions need to be addressed.  Have you had trauma down there? example kicked in the groin.  Have you had sensation before? Hormones have a lot to do with it, and they may be out of whack. Stress, psychological effects.  My wife has the same problem and I am trying to find a solution.  See a doctor and if they are stupid find another. It is that hard to find a good one.
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I have this same problem. I'm only seventeen so I haven't gone to they GYN yet but I've only had sex with 1 person before. and I have tried to see if they were doing something wrong by trying myself but i don't feel anything. It just hurts. I can't tell they are in unless they move into a position where they are poking upwards and it feels like they are poking my ovaries. Other then the pain of that, I don't feel inside. Outside is good. Works fine, orgasm to that but I would love to know what its like to feel inside.
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