will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Detoxification (13)
Despite my better judgement and gut instinct, my Roxie addicted 18 year old daughter will r...
Which ways do you prefer to detoxify?
I just googled roxi detox and found this forum last night been going thru cold turner off r...
I was told I don’t have allergy anymore. I have done detox starting from liver and other or...
Hey everyone. Ive been on Subuxone for a little over 6 weeks. I followed the advice of a ...
1) Excessive Amalgams. I had at least 20 amalgam fillings. I saw the X-ray showing that 4 o...
has anyone ever been in a detox program in a hospital setting for 7-10 days? if so, did it...
First, I would like to state that up until 3 weeks ago, I didn't experience any of the symp...
After getting ready to sell my home last June and being exposed to oven cleaner, multiple ...
Journals about Detoxification(1)
1915216 tn?1328421508
OVERALL DAY RATING 8 - Why? Although not super productive, felt balanced and go...