

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Longevity (533)
My 85 year old father has CHF. Previously had quad bypass and valve repair, prostate cancer...
I have recently been approved by VA for a chantix prescription, and expect to start the ces...
Average longevity when starting on oxygen for Emphysema
My husband was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer originally in 2002. At that time he received...
It is more than an year since the onset of a serious heart attack damaging the anterior wal...
I am disturbed by data on the net saying "80% of CHF patients below 65 will die within 8 ye...
Journals about Longevity(1)
169942 tn?1383613300

by khassounah, Jan 06, 2010 - 1 Comment
As I read through the TRANSCEND book by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, I want to use...