
Food Allergies

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Food Allergies (166)
I have a long history of IGE food allergies. The top 8 plus more. I avoided them for a cou...
Hi everyone! I have been recently diagnosed with EDS type III. The search for a diagnosis t...
Is a food intolerance something that can have a sudden onset? For example, eating dairy you...
I've been going through testing with my PCP to see whether I have Lupus or not. I have many...
My dog has a rash that one vet thinks was caused by my dog rubbing her butt on the carpet a...
I was eating a sandwich using a new roll from Walmart when about 15 minutes after ingestion...
Describe in one word how food allergies have impacted your life. We look forward to your...
What food are you allergic to, and what was your first reaction?
I am a 30 year old female and because of some heart rate issues ( that my cardiologist insi...
So...where to start? I have had severe stomach/gastro issues for years now ( I am 35 ) a...
Journals about Food Allergies(15)
1353650 tn?1429463374
I am 48 at 165lbs. (lost 20) 5 '4'' I have had a long journey battling i...
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by kirstyo, Jun 24, 2012
doctor suspects some sort of food allergy, on her advice i have been avoiding lactose ...
168348 tn?1379357075
*Shooting Stars * Summer 2000 End of Summer Fireworks Dreams Can Come Tru...