will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on vitex (18)
I stopped using birth control (Nuvaring) last June. I had regular periods immediately after...
I am 28 old and TTC since last 5 months.I got irregular period cycle from 28days to 40days....
hi guys, its been a while since surgery still no change although my symptoms have been gett...
Anyone else using these? I just started and I have PCOS so I'm crossing my fingers, its bee...
Hi ladies! I have been ttc for about 8 months now, last November I was diagnosed with PCOS...
I had been using Clomid (100mg) and I was ovulating and having a regular cycle for a few mo...
has anyone gotten a BFP while using Vitex. i have heard that Vitex or chaste berry some peo...
Is vitex okay to take your whole cycle? I've heard it isn't to be taken after ovulation, or...
I am taking Vitex and I had a normal cycle for the last three months on them I started taki...
I'm really worried. I'm 21 and haven't had a period in six months. I'm married, We were try...
Journals about vitex(22)
250798 tn?1347934880

by Teddygirl, Oct 08, 2012 - 3 Comments
i haven't had a normal period history, and i've been off birth control for abo...
250798 tn?1347934880

by Teddygirl, Sep 25, 2012
so i've taken prozac, paroxetine, hydroxyzine, and trazadone over the past 7 years...
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by donnad41, Jun 28, 2012
Currently taking these 5-Http 50mg 2 x day B Complex 100mg 1xday Vitex Black Coh...