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Posts on parathyroid (145)
Hi, I'm a 48 year old female with hyperparathyroidism. My calcium level is at a 11.7. ...
I have had abnormal high calcium levels, mildly high glucose, low tsh, and high liver enzym...
hello, i have a 3.4 thyroid nodule which is being monitored. Last fall, i had my pth level ...
I had my TT 11 days ago. Part of the parathyroid was removed and replaced. Also there was ...
they are monitoring me for a 3.4 thyroid nodule the last two years. i had a normal fna and ...
Hi, What causes HIGH CALIUM and what can you do to lower it, Sorry iam not sure how high it...
I was able to get an appt. with the endocrine clinic at a local hospital. Since I'm still ...
I have been having "flare ups" (neck pain, horrible pain on either side of my thoracic spin...
I have diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism. Yesterday my endo said that I may instea...
I'm 23, male. My endocrinologist told me I don't have primary hyperparathyroidism but rathe...
Journals about parathyroid(2)
393419 tn?1228447393

by lilypad300, Aug 13, 2008
Hello. I was just released from the hospital after being readmitted following a TT ...
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by Rhonda947, Nov 14, 2007 - 2 Comments
Well today was just like every other day,woke up feeling terrible as usuaI I feel like...